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Amy Neville

Diary update

31 August 2018 4m 30s

REST DAYZZZ…I’m actually sat at home today reclining on my sofa… still working of course (but this is a FIRST) I actually have a day off in the week! This is sooo not normal! I am normally running around like a crazy person at meetings, shooting/casting or …shopping… !

I have so much to catch up on but I am so easily distracted, I started the morning clearing out my DRESSING ROOM and having a huge sort out, as you may have seen I have been updating my DEPOP account regularly ‘amynevfashiondiaries’ if ya wanna have a snoop…! BUT as usual I have now got the laptop out to do some emails whilst trying to unbox some parcels that have just arrived and ended up writing this blog post!! I am literally such a ‘SCATTERBRAIN’.

I wanted to write this post so I could update you all on a few bits that have been happening over the past 2 weeks;

I have just joined a new agency- PREMIER MODELS– which am I super excited to share with you all and I can’t wait to get started with them. I think we are going to have a great working relationship and I believe if you find a booker who shares your passion and believes in you its ‘WIN,WIN’. This is so important when handing your business over to an agency, you need to trust and believe they will be able to portray you to clients the way you would yourself. I have 100% faith in PREMIER and my amazing booker Lucy so keep your eyes peeled for more to come. Here is my link if you want to take a peak;

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As you may have seen on my GRID it was my birthday last week ‘YASSS I WAS THE BDAY GAL’ I am a big kid when it comes to birthdays’! I can’t help but get SO overexcited.. although maybe when I hit the big 3 0 I won’t be quite so excited anymore and I may start wishing the birthday’s didn’t come round quite as quick! I stayed at the NED hotel, my boyfriend is a member and we LOVE spending time there, we had a chilled morning in the spa and then being the workaholic I am, I shot in the afternoon with one of my good friends and photographers @rebeccaspencer_photography. We got some of the cool shots below with my amazing cake from @peggyporschenofficial and the balloons @inflateddreamsandparties and of course the dress which was from @pastiche_couture. The dresses they stock are just to die for!!! I didn’t want to take it off.

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We headed to @restuarant_ours in knightsbridge to meet everyone for cocktails and nibbles before partying the night away at REIGN CLUB in the west-end. It was such an amazing evening which went on to the early hours and I ended up very worse for wear the next day! Didn’t quite look so glam the night after.. I think I recall my boyfriend saying ‘OH DARLING’ you don’t look so good! haha!

He did get me some amazing JIMMY CHOO BOOTS which I will be wearing a lot over FASHION WEEK so I forgive him.. how GORGE are they!!!


My FAIRFAX AND FAVOR ‘AMY’ bag has been out now for over a month, it is the limited edition RED MINI WINDSOR BAG. Thank you to all of you who have been tagging me when you have been wearing my bag, I love seeing all the SNAPS and I can’t wait to see more. Fairfax and Favor and I have been doing some exclusive competitions and we have a few more to come over the next few months.


Anyway I better finish chatting here, I am just waiting on a furniture delivery for the dressing room, one of the reasons I booked a ‘REST DAY’ in. I need more storage for the FASHIONDIARIES closet.. so I better go check where that is and make myself some lunch, although DOMINOES did just text me (HOW NAUGHTY) so if I don’t have that now for my lunch because I can’t be bothered to cook it will be ordered for dinner.. the model diet and all.

Also remember to check out my ‘EXUVIANCE VIDEO’ too which is now LIVE on my channel now so you can see my skincare routine with the products I use to keep my acne at bay.


A xxx

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